January 2nd - Wrestling @ Pleasanton

Wrestling @ Pleasanton
Saturday, January 2nd, 2021
Schedule and Covid-19 Protocol


  • Wrestling will begin at 9:30 am

Covid-19 Protocol - As per the current NSAA Requirements and Pleasanton's Protocols:

  • Attendance/Admission - $5.00- each athlete will be allowed ONE household members to attend the event. When fans arrive they will let the ticket takers know what wrestler they are here to cheer for and we will make a mark next to that wrestler's name.
  • No Concession stand will be available
  • Facilities will open for fans 45 minutes prior to the first contest. Fans will be
    asked to limit their movement within the facility once they arrive. Fans are also asked to social distance within bleachers.
  • Spectators are required to wear a mask at all activities. Spectators unable to wear a
    mask due to health issues must provide a doctor’s note stating such accommodation. These spectators will be required to socially distance from all fans other than immediate family members.

  • Spectators are not allowed on the mat or floor area and should be seated in their designated sections.
  • No Dance or Cheerleaders will be allowed.

NOTE - All protocols are subject to change with the ever changing DHM's and requirements.  Please stay tuned to our Facebook Page and/or Website "News Feed" for updates.